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How Weather and Road Conditions Affect Wheel Alignment

Wheel alignment or the correct position of the wheels in a vehicle is essential for the safety of its driver and passengers. Moreover, misaligned wheels can cause fast wearing off of tyres and decrease the fuel efficiency of that vehicle. However, the wheel alignment is largely affected by the conditions of the road and several weather elements. The driver should be aware of the direct impact of these conditions on the wheel alignment of his vehicle, to avoid road accidents.

Effects of weather conditions on wheel alignment

Many weather conditions, like rain, snowfall, and temperature drops, can cause car wheels to misalign. So, a driver needs to be very cautious while driving during adverse weather conditions, to prevent wheel misalignment and consequent accidents.

Heavy rainfall during monsoon –

During heavy rainfall, road surfaces become very slippery due to water-logging. It is very difficult to drive on such roads and misalignment of wheels is quite common in such conditions. The driver also cannot see potholes or obstacles on a flooded road, which further increases the risk of an accident. It is best to get the wheel alignment of the car checked by a professional before taking the vehicle out during pouring rains. However, it is wise to avoid driving during heavy downpours when the wheels are prone to skid easily on wet road surfaces.

Snowfall during winter –

Many places in the world experience snowfall during winter. Roads become covered with ice, for which the road surfaces become highly slippery. Wheels are more likely to be misaligned while driving on ice-accumulated roads, which can be detected by the shaking of the steering wheel or the car sliding to one side repeatedly. The accumulation of snow over the wheel surfaces and other parts of the car also can lead to the misalignment of wheels. So, snow should be cleaned off the car body and the wheel alignment should be checked before driving the car during such weather conditions.

Fluctuation of temperature –

Roads are often damaged due to changes in temperature during season change. It is difficult to drive smoothly on these roads that are partly broken. Wheels experience heavy friction and the flexibility of tyres also reduces to a great extent. The air pressure inside tyres also decreases in cold weather, leading to the contraction of the suspension system of the car. The abrupt change in temperature of the atmospheric air causes the car to vibrate frequently, which is a sure sign of misalignment of wheels. Hence, this issue should be addressed before taking the vehicle to the road again, to ensure the safety of the car.

Consequences of road conditions on wheel alignment

Road surfaces cannot be expected to be smooth and even all along, mainly during monsoon and winter. Often potholes are seen on several roadways, which vehicles try to avoid at normal times. Poor conditions of roads usually lead to wheel misalignment, which can be dangerous for vehicles.

Road curbs –

Curbs are made of concrete or stones to separate roads from sidewalks or pavements. However, driving along the curb can damage the wheel alignment of the car if the wheels hit the curb abruptly. Though these curbs are built for traffic control and prevention of accidents, wheels may be misaligned by hitting the curbs. Cars are more prone to hit the curb edges while moving at an angle.

Potholes –

Often small holes or cracks develop on asphalt road surfaces due to the pressure of heavy traffic or water logging during monsoon. These cracks widen when the accumulated water freezes and expands in volume. So, potholes are quite common on the busy roads of cold countries, mainly during late winter. Vehicles suffer from wheel misalignment when their wheels accidentally hit these potholes. This problem increases when a car hits multiple potholes while running at a high speed towards its destination.

Speed breakers –

Speed bumps or speed breakers are made on the roads to slow down the traffic, to avoid accidents that are caused due to rash driving. Usually, these structures are made of concrete, vulcanized rubber, asphalt, or metals, to make them strong enough to bear the pressure of heavy traffic. However, these bumps are not healthy for car wheels and are more likely to cause wheel misalignment, mainly when a car is running at a high speed. So, vehicles should be driven at a moderate or slower speed where speed breakers are present.

Key Takeaways

Wheel alignment issues can be detected by a driver when he/she finds the car vibrating frequently while running on the road. Moreover, the vehicle may not respond quickly to the movements of the steering wheel and even move to another side of the road, disregarding the steering wheel’s command. When the driver applies the brake, the car pulls to one side before stopping. All these signs signify the wheel misalignment, which should be addressed immediately without delay.

Since we cannot change the weather and road conditions, it is best to take care of our vehicles before taking them out. Regular inspection by an experienced car technician in a garage can solve the problem of improper wheel alignment. The wheel alignment should be checked whenever tyres are changed so that new tyres can have better longevity. Properly aligned wheels can ensure at least 25% more longevity of new tyres. It is also advised to get the car checked for wheel misalignment after running a distance of 5000 – 10,000 Km.

Regular wheel alignment checkups can prevent road accidents caused by misaligned wheels of a car. Moreover, the vehicle consumes at least 10% less fuel when all its four wheels touch the surface of the ground while running. Wheel inspection should be done more frequently during winter, as wheel misalignment risks become higher in colder regions. These regular alignment checkups will keep the vehicle and its wheels in good health, improving overall car performance. Every vehicle should be checked for wheel alignment at the onset of spring, after running on icy roads throughout the winter.

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