• gps 8 Kaki Bukit Avenue 4, Premier@ kaki bukit, #06-41 and #05-43, Singapore 415875 (Gate 2)
  • clock Workshop Operating Hours: Mon - Sat 9.30AM - 6.30PM

Tips and Advice

To know more about maintaining Car Tyres go through the articles which we have provided, there are some tips that will be beneficial for you and help you handling your car tyre or battery well. These advices and tips regarding car tyre helps in case of any issue arises and let you know how you can maintain the efficiency of your car tyres for a longer period of time without spending much on them. For getting more information reach us or feel free to call!

Best ways to take care of your car tyres

Cars are renowned to be the most essential inventions in the world of the automobile industry. They have been the bread and butter of the transportation industry since their inception. Their invaluable presence has allowed humanity to open doors to greater creativities and solve serious causes. It is essential to keep a note of our […]

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Understanding vehicle tyre signs and markings

20th century is regarded to be one of the most revolutionary centuries of all time. The revamp of the automobile industry saw the modernization of the vehicles in every aspect. The circular wheel, which was around the human civilization since the stone age; garnered crucial importance in this very industry during these times. Be it […]

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Importance of choosing a good engine oil

Cars or any four-wheeler vehicles are one of the most unforgettable gifts of the automobile industry. Be it any small chore or long-distance assignment, these vehicles have completely revolutionized the way we commute as well as get things done. Driving a vehicle is as important as keeping it intact. One can do such by maintaining […]

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